2025 proclaimed as International year of Quantum Science and Technology by United Nations more
Celabrating Quantum Day 2024 Programme
Predstavitev projekta za razvoj in implementacijo kvantne distribucije ključev in vzpostavitev raziskovalnega testnega kvantnega omrežja med raziskovalnimi ustanovami (SiQUID) v petek, 16. junij 2023 ob 10. uri na Fakulteti za matematiko in fiziko Univerze v Ljubljani predstavitev projekta
Pogovor v okviru razprav (Spre)govori znanost, ki bo v četrtek, 11. maja 2023, ob 18. uri v živo na http://aktv.si/, posvečen kvantnim tehnologijam prihodnosti.
Celebrating World Quantum day 2023  Programme
Join QTEdu community to participate in the series of seminars: QTEdu.
QUTES is joining World Quantum day celebration on April, 14, 2022!
Virtualna delavnica za dijake VEČ
Ostali dogodki: World Quantum Day – World Quantum Day
New publication: The Ising triangular-lattice antiferromagnet neodymium heptatantalate as a quantum spin liquid candidate. (Arh et al. 2021)
. Članek o prvi realizaciji kvantne spinske tekočine na trikotni mreži spinov z dominantno Isingovo antiferomagnetno izmenjalno interakcijo. Skupaj s sodelavci z Instituta “Jožef Stefan”, Inštituta za matematiko, fiziko in mehaniko ter raziskovalnih institucij iz Indije, Velike Britanije, Francije in ZDA so izvedli obsežno eksperimentalno študijo, ki je pokazala odsotnost magnetnega urejanja in dokazala obstoj spinskih korelacij Isingovega tipa v neodimovem heptatantalatu pri temperaturah velikosti le nekaj deset milikelvinov. Odkritje tako imenovane Isingove spinske tekočine uvaja nov tip tega skrivnostnega kvantno prepletenega stanja snovi, ki ostaja dinamično do najnižjih temperatur. Poleg znanstvenega vidika je odkritje potencialno pomembno tudi v luči sodobnih kvantnih tehnologij, saj spinske tekočine veljajo za eno najbolj perspektivnih platform v kvantnem računalništvu.
KOLOKVIJ IJS: Od kvantnih nečistoč do kvantnih naprav, izr. prof. dr. Rok Žitko, 12.01.2022 ob 13.uri. Video predavanje, povzetek in dostop 
QuantERA Call 2021 Results  Among 39 new projects awarded funding there are 4 project with Slovene participation:
QuSiED: Quantum simulation with engineered dissipation, coordinator: dr. Zala Lenarčič, IJS
T-NiSQ: Tensor Networks in Simulation of Quantum matter, coordinator: Simone Montangero INFN – Sezione di Padova, Italy, participant: dr. Zala Lenarčič, IJS
DQUANT: Dissipative Quantum Chaos Perspective on Near-Term Quantum Computing, coordinator: Pedro Ribeiro Instituto Superior Técnico / Physics Department, Portugal, participant: prof. dr. Tomaž Prosen, ULJ FMF
uTP4Q: A versatile quantum photonic IC platform through micro-transfer printing, Dries Van Thourhout Ghent University, coordinator: Photonics Research Group, Belgium, participant: prof. dr. Janez Krč, ULJ FE
New publication: A compact deivce sustains a fuild of bosons (Golež, Sun, 2021) V članku je opisan pomen nedavnega odkritja eksotične kvantne tekočine v napravi, sestavljeni iz atomsko tankih plasti polprevodnikov. Ta nenavadna tekočina je tvorjena iz bozonskih delcev ekscitonov, ki so vezani pari elektronov in vrzeli. Delo predstavlja pomemben korak k stabilizaciji Bose-Einsteinovega kondenzata pri visokih temperaturah in praktično ravnovesnih pogojih, čeprav opisani eksperiment še ni dokazal kvantne koherence in superfluidnosti. Avtorja opišeta njuno vizijo razvoja področja, kjer bi uporabili natančne manipulacije na nanoskopski skali za doseganje kvantne koherence. Za konec predlagata uporabo raziskav za koristne naprave, na primer ekscitonski tranzistor, spominske elemente ali celo kvantne simulatorje.
“A time-domain phase diagram of metastable states in a charge ordered quantum material”, Jan Ravnik, PSI, 20.5.2021 at 15:00, access info: complex.matter@ijs.si
New publication: Quantum computer used to model quantum domain melting (Vodeb et al. 2021)
For the first time that a quantum computer has been used to model a real, not a hypothetical physical problem, which is of fundamental relevance in many areas of physics. The work represents a major milestone in quantum computation and is available on arXiv:2103.07343
QUTES Seminar: Towards Large-Scale Integration of Superconducting Qubit Devices
, Anton Potočnik, IMEC, 2.4.2021 at 16:00 on-line, Presentation: Towards large-scale quantum computing 
Three-part radio show about QT, Frekvenca X, Val 202
Kvantna prihodnost 1/3: Prvi koraki do kvantne premoči – Val 202 (rtvslo.si)
European Quantum Week (2 – 6 November, 2020)
a fully virtual event including initiatives for the general public and secondary schools about Quantum Technologies organized by the QT Flagship.
Kvantne tehnologije so na evropskem obzorju,
P.Jeglič, R.Žitko, predavanje, virtualni dogodek, 2.11.2020 EQW_predavanje
Jaka Vodeb: How to fix a quantum computer?
Seminar, October 8, 2020
Please send e-mail to complex.matter@ijs.si to get access detailes.
Qubits Worldwide User Conference
, September 2020: Simulating Quantum Configurational Tunneling Using Machine Learning Assisted Quantum Computation, Presented by Jaka Vodeb watch
Quantum Future Academy 2020
Slovenian participants are Mile Vrbica and Tjaš Božič. Congratulations!

Application should include a Curruculum Vitae, a short motivation letter (two paragraphs of text) and, if possible, any support material that demonstrates your interest in this field of science and technology (e.g. seminar, project work or similar). Application deadline is July 15, 2020 more
Together with Ministry for Science (Directorat for Science) and Ministry for Public Administration (Directorat for Information) QUTES is organizing QT Meeting/Dialogue. The event will be organized in Kolarjeva predavalnica at Jožef Stefan Institute on Thursday, March 12 at 12:30. Please register to attend the event. The aim of this meeting is to present QT activities in Slovenia and to strenghten the QT dialogue on national level. The event will be in English.
Europe’s QT Flagship presents Strategic Research Agenda to EC more
Ultrahladni atomi – kvantni valovi za tehnologije prihodnosti
, poljudni članek, 5.3.2020, spletni časopis Alternator more
Quantum communication infrastructure declaration more
dr. Anton Potočnik, IMEC: Kvantno računalništvo ima potencial, da nam kaže nove smeri v razvoju človeštva
, intervju na Trombi more

QUTES Seminar: Quantum networks and quantum technology in space
prof. Rainer Kaltenbaek, Faculty of mathematics and physics UL, May 23, 2019 Mafija Science Cafe more

S superračunalniki do odgovorov na kemijska vprašanja, prof. dr. Matej Praprotnik, Kemijski Institut, Znanost na cesti 9.5.2019 more

Popular science: China’s latest quantum radar could help detect stealth planes, missile more
In the field of medicine: Quantum Entanglement Tomography for enhanced medical imaging more
QuantERA Call  2019 Pre-announcement, deadline February 18, 2019 more
Kolokvij IJS: Kako zapreči kvantne pojave in zmagati!, dr. Rok Žitko, Jožef Stefan Institute 13.2.2019
QUTES members meet with the new state secretary for Science, dr. Jernej Štomajer and Ministry representatives to discuss QT activities in Slovenia. Encouraging!
Kolokvij IJS: Kvantne tehnologije s hladnimi atomi, dr. Peter Jeglič, Jožef Stefan Institute 12.12.2018
Entanglement: Einstein’s gift to Quantum mechanics
Nobel Lauretae lecture Prof. Duncan Haldane, Princeton University, USA
Wednesday, March 21, 2018 at 13:00 at Jozef Stefan Institute more
“Quantum Technologies: ramping-up the Flagship”
The event, hosted by Cora van Nieuwenhuizen MEP, will take place on Tuesday, 28 November, in the European Parliament. The event will focus on the ramp-up of the FET Flagship program, that is now underway. more
IBM Q Experience
IBM Quantum Computing European Workshop is a one-day event held in IBM Research on November 7, 2017 in Zurich at Nobel Prize winning laboratory and home to an actual quantum computer. This event brings together IBM’s researchers and engineers with valued customers and partners to explore the world of quantum computing.  Sign-up via Slovene IBM Client representative or directly at quantum@zurich.ibm.com until November 1st, 2017.
QuantERA Call 2017 QuantERA Network published a call to support international research projects in QT. Three Slovene applications  were successful in 1st Stage. Deadline for 2nd Stage application is June 11, 2017 and results are expected in November 2017. more 
Sodobni izzivi fizike V četrtek, 25.5.2017 sta doc. dr. Miha Nemevšek in doc. dr. Rok Žitko predstavila kako so lahko Majoranovi fermioni osnovni delci kot tudi gradniki kvantnih računalnikov. Predavanje je potekalo v znanstveni kavarni Mafija v sklopu predavanj Sodobni izzivi fizike v organizaciji Fakultete za matematiko in fiziko Univerze v Ljubljani. foto
QUTES Seminar  The first QUTES seminar was organized on April, 18, 2017.
Dr. Rok Žitko presented basic notions about quantum compution, paradigms and implementation actions. QUTES seminar web
QuantERA2017 Call meeting of Slovene applicants QUTES is organizing meeting on Monday, February 13, 2017 at 17:00 in Science cafe Mafija and invites all considering the application on QuantERA Call 2017 (please present 1 PPT slide/10 minutes on thematic scope of proposal and/or your area of work). To confirm you attendance and more information: martina.knavs@ijs.si We will transform your presentations in QUTES poster presentation displayed in Malta Proposer′Day.
Commission Expert Group on Quantum Technologies – High Level Steering Committee Following the nomination of the chair, Prof. Mlynek, the Commission has now formally set-up the Commission Expert Group, with 13 very high level academic members, that will provide recommendations on the preparation of the Quantum Technology Flagship. Read the news
The Quantum Manifesto The Quantum Manifesto calls upon Member States and the European Commission to launch a €1 billion Flagship-scale Initiative in Quantum Technology, preparing for a start in 2018 within the European H2020 research and innovation framework programme. more
Quantum Europe
Quantum Europe is a conference on Quantum Technologies. These technologies based on the laws of quantum mechanics will have a radical impact on solving many of today’s global challenges. more
Quantum Europe 2016
Amsterdam conference Report (17 – 18 May 2016) more
An interview with D.Mihailovic on Tromba “Kvantne tehnologije – nov razvoj”
21.7.2016 Read the article
An interview with D.Mihailovic about funding science and QT “Znanost zelo težko tekmuje s šolami, vrtci in športniki”. DELO Sobotna priloga, 16.7.2016 Read the article
Non-equilibrium quantum physics: Exact steps, prof. dr. Tomaž Prosen, Institute colloquium, Jožef Stefan Institute, June 7, 2016 at 13:00  more
Slovene QT science community organised first meeting on QT activities in Slovenia. Coordination group was formed and is open for new members. A workshop on the subject will be organized in September 2016.
An article “Evropa z milijardami poganja kvantno revolucijo. Slovenije ni zraven.” was published in DELO Sobotna priloga, 28.5.2016. It outlines the EU iniciative of FLAGSHIP QT and Slovene activitites. Read the article


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