Research groups:
- Physics of quantum technologies, Jozef Stefan Institut&University of Ljubljana
- Quantum Optics and Quantum Foundations group, University of Ljubljana
- Theoretical Physics department at Jozef Stefan Institute
- Condensed matter physics department at Jozef Stefan Institute
- Department of Complex matter at Jozef Stefan Institute
- Quantum Materials Group
- Department of Knowledge Technologies as Jozef Stefan Institute
- Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana
- Faculty for Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana
- Rudolfovo – Science and Technology Center Novo mesto
- Center of Cryptography, FAMNIT, University of Primorska
Research programmes:
- Physics of quantum technologies (P1-0416), ARRS, Head: prof. dr. Rok Žitko
- Dynamics of complex nano-system (P1-0040), ARRS, Head: prof. dr. Dragan Mihailović
- Theory of the condensed matter and statistical physics (P1-0044), ARRS, Head: prof. dr. Janez Bonča
- Magnetic resonance and dielectric spectroscopy of smart new materials (P1-0125), ARRS, prof. dr. Janez Dolinšek
- Knowledge Technologies (P2-0103), ARRS, Head: prof. dr. Saško Džeroski
- Mathematical Modelling and Encryption: from Theoretical Concepts to Real-Life Applications (P1-0404), ARIS, Head: prof. dr. Enes Pasalic
Research projects:
- Discrete combinatorial objects in the spectral domain – intersection analysis (J1-4084), ARIS, 2022 – 2025, PI: prof. dr. Enes Pasalic
- Linear codes through special classes of functions–relationship and design (J1-60012), ARIS, 2025-2027, PI: Prof. Dr. Enes Pasalic
- Development of building blocks for new European quantum communication network (J2-2514), ARRS, 2020 – 2023, Head: prof. dr. Anton Ramšak
- Quantum metastability (N1-0192), ARRS, 2019 – 2022, Head: prof. dr. Dragan Mihailović
- ERC ADG OMNES, Open Many-body Non-Euilibrium System, 2016 – 2021, Head: prof. dr. Tomaž Prosen
- CA16218 – Nanoscale Coherent Hybrid Devices for Superconducting Quantum Technologies, 2017 – 2021, Prof. dr. Viktor Kabanov
- ECA16221 – Quantum technologies with ultracold atoms, 2017 – 2021, dr. Peter Jeglič, group: Cold atoms lab IJS
- ERC ADG Trajectory, Coherent trajectories through symmetry breaking transitions – Trajectory, 2013 – 2018, Head: prof. dr. Dragan Mihailović
- The many-impurity problem (J1-7259), ARRS, 2016 – 2018, Head: dr. Rok Žitko
- Thermodynamics of dissipative nanosystems (J1-7279), ARRS, 2016 – 2018, Head: dr. Marko Žnidarič
- Integrable many-particle systems (N1-0025), ARRS, 2014 – 2017, Head: prof. dr. Tomaž Prosen
- Integrability and ergodic theory of non-equilibrium quantum many-body systems (J1-5439), ARRS, 2013 – 2016, Head: prof. dr. Tomaž Prosen
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